dolar # Vredrn Trad o THE WISTAR INSTITUTE THIRTY-SIXTH STREET AT SPRUCE PHILADELPHIA 4, PA. HILARY KOPROWSKI, M.D. PHONE: BARING 2-6700 DIRECTOR CABLE ADDRESS: WiSTARINST October 28, 1958 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Medical Genetics The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: I was delighted to hear from you and learn of your impending move to Stamford and of your intention to enter the tolerance field, I am sending you, under separate cover, copies of the few reprints of our papers which I still have but have to apologize in advance that we no longer have any reprints of our major work on tolerance left. I was extremely interested to read your enclosed speculation which I found very stimulating. I, myself, go along with you in the opin- ion that it seems necessary to maintain the presence of antigen in order . to maintain a state of acquired tolerance. I think that Richard Smith's recent paper in the Journal of Experimental Medicine dealing mainly with tolerance in rabbits to bovine serum albumin, makes this particularly clear. So far as tolerance of homologous cells is concerned, the situation isstill, to some extent, unresolved although experiments I have been carrying out here certainly show that abolition of cellular chimerism in an animal for at least 50 days does not necessarily result in the abolition of vious state of immunological tolerance. I mist confess that I esbeety on particularly enamored of Burnet's clonal hypothesis and have experiments in progress, or at the planning stage, designed to try and disprove it; but it would be too premature to discuss them at this stage. With best wishes to you in your new fields of endeavor. Yours sincerely, fp RE. pillingha REB:fl