SEP 11 1964 Dr. K. BHASKARAN CENTRAL DAG so SanCH INSTITUTE Lucknow, INDIA Vek ‘ Crveid visr t 1Cfo+ dated 6th Sept '64 Dear Prof.. Lederberg, You may perhaps remember that a few years ago I was: writing to you about the work 1 was doing with Vibrio cholerae,. Later on 1 was busy with other things and only recently I have been able to resume this study. In @paper under publication in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization I have presented data frem which reveals close linkage between = GS = me on pur and ilva and the probable sequence of segen genetic s V. cholerae, strain 162, A reprint of thishaper = will be sent to you as soon as. copies are made available to me. By the kind courtesy of the W.H.0, I have now been provided with an opportunity to visit your country and in all probability I expect to be in the State of California from iith Nov '64 onwards for a period of three weeks, 1 will be grateful if you will kindly let me know whether 1 may visit your laboratory sometime during this period to have the pleasure of meeting you, Mrs Lederberg and other colleagues, Such a visit must benefit me considerably. I prpose to spend sometime at Berkeley and Los Amgeles as well during my stay in California. Yours sincerely, Ke aneacen | Prof, J. Lederberg | 2) Len ae) aR e © Department of Genetics Dron Stanford University Stanford, California.