Dr.. Nig oo seazans U.So., MBBS., Ph,D{Lond). Ram-Niwas, V,S. Ma, New Hyderabad, Lucknow, INDWA, "Be , 17th Oct *58, Dear Dr. Lederberg, You may have seen from my recent commnication in the Journal of General Microbiology(19,71, 1958) that I am engaged in the study of genetic recombination in Vibrio cholerae. ‘This is based on your work with B, coli and Salmonella. You will find enclosed herewith some recent observations in connection with this study which, 1 expect, may soon be published. I am sure you will be interested ina study of this kind and hope it will not be a bother to you to examine it and give me the benefit of your valuable advice and critician. I will be most grateful indeed, If you are interested in any of the strains of V,. cholerae used in these studies, I will be only too happy to furnish then to you, With best wishes, Yours sincerely,