K. BHASKARAN,. Ventral Drug Hesearch institute, Lucknow, INDIA,. 25th Sept '58 Dear Dr. Lederberg,,. Lf am vresently engaged in a study of ‘genetic recombination in Vibrio cholerge', preliminary resnlts of which have appeared in the J. gen. microbiol, 19, 71, 1958. Your published papers on conjugation in K 12 and transdvction in Salmonella have provided considerable stimulus to me in tuis study. I will appreciate very mmch if it will be possible for you to let me nave a collection of your reprints on this subject. . . v A with kind regards, Yours sincerely, Dr. J. Lederberg, Department of Genetics, Universit of Wisconsin, Madison, U.S.A, sent A -PD