May 17, 1958 Dr. C. A. Evans Department of Microblology Uadveraity of Washington, School of Medicine Seattle, Wash, Dear Chuck: I am enclosing the resums on Dr. Bernstein. It strikes me that if you want some one who could combine a great expertise in diagnostic bacteriology with a scholarly capacity for fundamental research, then here's your man. Ag I told you, Aleck is married to an American girl (nee Helen Byers, from Indiana) who 1s probably his main motivation for emigre ting. He is a rather solid citizen and I don't think you need worry about his possibly wanting to repatriate himself once he decides on settling here. I think he's capable of a higher research output than he has shown in practice » but if you want someone to handle the dual job, no apologies are needed. He spent two years here workingvon the immnogenetics of FE. coli, ani 1s acquainted with current activity in bacterial and phage genetics. The actual results of those two years were not stunning, but the problem proved to be mach tougher than we had anticipated, and I wouldn't make a demerit out of that. Another years work by the Grskovs, who came with unmatchable experiance in E. coli serology, and the full set of type strains and sera, only just managed to make a toehold in the same problen. Bernstein has been working under 5.S. Anderson at Colindale, in the lab. which Felix had organized. The situation is such that I would advise you not to con- sult Anderson about Bernstein's qualifications unéil you had done enough prelimi- nary scouting to have an idea that you might make an offer. Some people you might ask for references from would include: Bruce Stocker (Lister Institute): Clive Spicer (also at Colindale); $.G. Bradley (in Syverton's Dept. at U/Minn; he was a post-doct. fellow here at the same time as Bernstein). Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg P.S. Since it looks as if I will be switiching over to the Genetics 85, I'll miss the chance of seeing you at Seattle. One of the rewards of the job was the chance to know pecple like yourself on a closer basis.