; | : Central Public Health Laboratory, Colindale Avenue, ~~ Sey bondon, NW. 9. ete : 22 February 1958 ad Dear Josh, —— - . mo ° : “oo Thank you for your receat letter, I am most grateful for the various. efforts which you are making -on my behgif. I have,for: the present, decided not to procede any further with the Kansas appointment, =~ os Since my last letter, to you I have had a letter from Dr, Morris Shaffer of Tulane. He writes that he is trying to obtain funds to Spen-some research and teaching programmes in entaric bacteriology and that “he: wonders whether I might be interested, Although he does not provide much det ail - [I have written to ask for more - there are Some attractive facets to the appointment. Against this, however, must be set the fact that neither Helen n or myself have a great desire to settle ig the south, There is one insertion to be made in the curriculum v itae which you sent, The date 1945 should be put after the MRCS,LRCP entry. Does one include ‘in press' papers on these things? If so,there should be entered ! A new phage type of Salm.paratyphi B responsible for a large outbreak of food- poisoning Mon.Bull.Min. Hlth, I was rather interested to see this ceurriculum because the term was virtually unknown to me used in England - and I was wondering just wh until very recently ~ it is not at one was supposed to put in them, I have an interssting little phage problem at the moment, out of purely routine international reference work, determining (cogverting) phage serologically indisti earliest described (dl) but it has the interesting property of determining two different Vi-phage resistance: patterns in a lysogenised host depending on the temperature, At present I am trying to define the region closely but it appears to lie between 36° more clearly worked out TI canno mechanisms involved, . It has arisen There is a new typhi type nguishable from one of the critical temperature and 39°, Until I have this t go on to trying to elicidate the possible Best wishes to Esther and yourself from Helen, Yours sincerely, fed