"PUBLIC HreALe -LaBORATORE SERVICE central. | Public Health . Teboratory » Galinele pS Sends NeW. 9: ban Novenber, 1956. Dear Josh, oo Tt Das picasont to have your letter and to hear a little of | what is going’on~in the lab, I had seen your paper, and Norton's, on protoplasts and found them rather interesting. I also saw Skaar's paper and found myself still as sceptical as I was after the first reports of Jacob¢ and Wollman, I feel that J & W have made too much from what was a very limited experiment, and aleo thet some of the methodology was rather messy. Still I, myself, am no longer doing Eco di work and maybe -oannet fully judge. I have looked up my: peoords and. found ist,” in fect, ‘I aia ‘very little with WG 57. I can find no record of checking it: ‘serologically “put think I mist have done so, I did make a couple -of auxotrophs from _it and also attempted. to mike some Fa:-at one point towards the end of “my records I find a note about two of these, W 2510 (Frol dyst =y ee and W 2811 (Prol Suce =), saying “check antigens" init ‘no record of the result, I'm sorry that I cannot help any further, I hope the firskovs '.. have more success than Skaar, or myself, in keeping the Stealing smooth % jwhdist Producing, or obtaining, smxtanta. “os At present I am marking time. as we have — wery short > # staffed and have to keep the routine going, I'm hoping te. get going - again shortly on my. UV studies with Visphage,. I do have a. paper submitted to Virology, but have yet to: stron out. a& . few Relate. with Luria — concerning. Ate: t ; _ x : carat andy: is away. at present + working ‘in Ino ts labs “at: the - Pasteur. He's working: withA, I believe, end also trying | “to. . perform . some DNA transductions with, typhte P.T.0. ee ms ne ne spermine nies ONE ERE oie ee eae ee os wr ne hee Clive says he will be writing to you himself shortly and sends his best wishes, Best wishes from Helen and myself to you and iisther and also to anv of our old acquaintances around the lab, Yours, ' QO . 7? Dr. Joshua Lederberg, ‘University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wisconsin, U.S.A. . <——— First fold here ———>