12, Mayfields Close, Wembley Park, Middx, 6th, August, 1953, Dear Professor Lederberg, I have now securde a passage and am due to arrive in New York on the 29th, August, This will enable me to spend some little time in New York and New Haven before coming on to Madison, I should think that I will arrive somewhere about the 10th or llth September if this would be convenient, I will let you have more definite details of this after my arrival ‘in America, I have visited Dr Joyce Wright and obtained from her farther representative O55B5 strains and also some high titre H sera ( 2,6,7 & 12 These she is ending to me care of you at the University, they would probably arrive after your return from vacation but before my arrival. It would, however, probably be just as well if they could be unpacked and the sera refrigerated at 4°C and the cultures tested for viability. My own collection of cultures and some further sera I will have sent off from Colindale under a similar arrangement and these should also I think be treated in a like fashion, Are there any further materials you would like me to obtain? oo: I feel that we have both been. misunderstanding each other a little, 1 certainly did not intend te give the impression that I was coming merely | sbecause ofa. ‘sense of obligatioi oF debt, This would not, I feel, provide | “a fruitfal basis. ‘fer. my work un express my thanks for your’ var However, one. does not wish to belabour this point. 3 r you, on the other hand I did wish to a kind offices on my behalf, As you said Since last writing. I: nave seen both Dr. Spicer and Dr. Anderson, | thoy! both apoires me to send you their kind ‘regards, _ I-trust that you and Mrs, Lederberg. are having. a. “pleasant “yabation. Tam disoon leave at present but -am. rathe busy completing. ‘P{nal. ‘arrakgements, “1 am very much looking ferward’.to my stay in Madison paricularly after the Glowing: accounts that a heave. had from Spieer. Thank you for. ‘lptting me have the address of the bank, I am arranging to transfer some- of my sterling from my own bank and will open an account ther ‘on my arrival. : ory a Yours, sincerely, a . ‘. - . New Haven, Conn, PS My address in mw 1 Haven will be- 764, George Street, 4,9 a