Wembley, Middx, 25th July, 1953 Dear Professor Lederberg, Thank you for your letter of the 22nd July. I donot feel that I can ever thank you for this further evidence of your kindness and endeavours on my behalf, After my previous letter I donot know how I can really deserve such treatment from you. AS you stated in. your letter my reasons for rejecting the appointment were not entérely financial, I wannot, however, conceal the fact that they did baulk rather large on the horizon, In face of your present offer any reservations TI may have had are, of cousse, ridiculous, I have not been able to consult with my fiancée on this, she is still im Manchester, but I am sure that she feels the same way as I do, There is nothing I can do but accept and to hope that the work I will do will help in some small way to repay your good will. There must I am afraid still be one proviso, That is that I shall be able to secure a passage, I am writing about this immediately, but there may be difficulties here as it is rather late in the day — and this has been a very heavy tourist season over here, I will, however, keep you informed on this, I wonder if you could give me ore furtuer piece of information, Could you suggest a sutable bank in Madison to which I could arrange for the transfer of my sterling from this country? It would be rathe helpful, though not essential, if you could do this, I hope that you have a pleasant vacation, I have asked for thé letter to be forwarded, I hope you do not mind, Once again 'Thank you very much!, ee . Yours sincerely, . ens