Salford, 30th June,1953 Dear Professor Lederburg, Thank you for your letter of the 24th June and also for the reprints, I found the paper on Salmonella transductions most interesting. I would, indeed, be interested in continuing work on the snecific coli, I have now a fair number of strains - some 60 055, a few O11] and 20 026 plus a few other miscellaneous and incompletely characterised groups, So far I have mainly been attempting to find a basis for epi- demiological classif ‘cation on biochemical and, more recently, by phage activity, I am subculturing all the strains tat I have of these thres main groupes and wil bring , or possibly, send tnem, Unfottunately I have as yet no strains of the H2 type of 055, I hope, however, to call on Dr, Joyce Wright when I am in London and borrow some from her, The question of sera is not quite so easy but I think I can procure some, The diagnostic OK sera for 0111 and 055 are easily obtained from the Standards Laboratory in London, the 026 serum is not yet in general supply nor are the H sera. As you probably know these latter are not as easily produced, for some reason, as the analagous Salmonella sera, I shall, however, be visiting the Central Public Health Laboratory and will endeavour to obtain some of these sera through Dr, Joan Taylor. If there are any other supplies of this nature which you require please let me know as I am sure that I can by personal contact obtain them, I had not knogn that Dr. Anderson had been with you, I am sure that any accomodation which was able to satisfy his requirements would be perfectly adequate for mine, The possible petticoat influence, albeit of advanced years, does not deter me in the sligitest, I would be most. grateful if you could make some tentative enquiries and arrangements, bearing in mind that all my arrangements are as yet-not complete. I hope to see Spicer when I am in London and will most certainly disctiss several matters with him, Stocker is not, in fact, personally known to me but,as I shall probably be visiting the School of Hygiene, I will probably meet him then, My fiscal, or “inancial, arrangements are not yet complete, but I am more hopeful again, Time is running rather short but it-is not possible to hurry the Civil Service. I had hoped on my arrival to visit my relatives in New Haven but this now depends on my date of arrival and whether I have sufficient time to fit it in before coming on to Madison, We shali see what happens. Thank you for your further offers of assistance, Yours sincerely, fe a oe PE oom A. Bernstein