Public Health Laboratory, “Municipal Offices, 143, negent ioad., Salford, 5, 20th June, 1953 Dear Professor Lederberg, I must first make due apology for the the rather engracious, and ungrateful, remarks which I made in my last letter to you, Although the letter was written at a time when I had received a further set-back, that provides no excuse whatsoever for the comments I then made, I hope that you will accept this as an expression of my re-ret, jy. This week I received mf? Visa, there was little difficulty other than ‘waiting for the necessary ap,ointment. The designetion as an Exchange Visitor does ,indeed make everything very simple, I wish that other matters were as easy, From th’s you may gather that further hitches are taking place, This time they are whol@y British inspired, I am haveing a little difficulty at present with the Bank of England in trying to arrange for t.i.e transfer of some of my Sterling assets to the U.S, I think that they will agree but time is running rather short, It rather holgds up other necessary arrangements which I still have to make, There is one point on which I still require your guidance, I hope on arrival in Madison to have some §70, being the first instalment of my remittance from England, awaiting me in a local bank, As I understand it, however, I shall need more than this to pay the necessary registration fees, Is that in fact correct, and if so can you sugest any means by which this difficulty may be overcome? I shall also, of course require money on which to live and pay rent until I receive my first pay-cheque and the next monthly transfer from here. I shall be leaving Manchester to return to my home at the beginning of July, This to give me the necessary timeto meke final » arrangements prior to sailing. Would you please, therefore, address any letter likely to arrive after 5th,July to my home aduress } 12, Mayfields Close, Wembley Park, Middlesex, I hope to let you know in due course of my travel arrangements, Yours sincerely,