Public Health Laboratory, Municipal Offices,. . 143, Regent: Rdi-, ~ Salford, 5. ~ -1l3th April 1953 Dear Professor Lederberg, oa ao I have today had an interview with the lecal U.S. consul in Manchester, and have discussed with him my proposed visit, He tells me that under the new regulations there are three _ types of visa for which I may apply;- a) an Immigrant visa for which f would require some sort of official statement from the University stating that my presence was desired by them, This is, apparently,to comply with the quota and priorityeonditions: of the regulations, This would probably be. the best, as:you-had suggested, from most points of view, The Pr local consulate. -hewever is not‘ empowered to issue these visas and I° have. to make further enquiries from the consul in Liverpodl, b) a visitors visa: under the Exchange Visitérs Scheme. For this I would have to have a certificate from the University designating me under this scheme, c) a visitors visa as a Student, This requires a certifticate from the Graduate school, Neither b) nor c) would enable me to undertake any extra work, a} would enable me take some extra sterling from my account in this country, It seems therefor that this would on many countsPtheebest form for which to apoly, I am writing to the consul in Liverpool today, but wonder , meanwhile ,whether you would be willing to arrange for the necessary statement? The visa, apparently, takes some six weeks to obtain, I received the application form from the Graduate School two days ago. and will return this when I have managed to collect together all the necessary certificates and transcripts, I will make use of your kind offer to vet this application before it is transmitted to the authorities, I feel that I am being a great nuisance to you in soliciting your help continually in this fashion and am most grateful both for the offer of the appointment and your help. Yours sincerel A.Bernstein,