MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 38 OLD QUEEN STREET * WESTMINSTER « LONDON, S.W.1 Cables ; MEDRESCO, LONDON PRIVY COUNCIL 19th March, 1953. Dear Professer Lederberg, Dr. A. Bernstein I understand that Dr. Bernstein is applying for a research appointment in your Department, starting next September and lasting for two years. : Dr. Bernstein, after serving in the Royal Army Medical Corps for 2s hears, joined the Public Health Laboratory Service in May, 1949. Since then he has been receiving a training in pathology, including morbid anatomy, morbid histology, haematology, biochemistry and bacteriology. He took the formal course for the Diploma in Bacteriology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and was successful in gaining his diploma. For the past six months he has been working in the Public Health Laboratory at Manchester. : Dr. Bernstein is 30 years of age, and unmarried. He is one of the young pathologists who is determined to specialize in bacteriology, and who is very keen on research work. I think he will by now have got a sufficient background to enable him to profit from a stay in your lab- oratory, though his knowledge on the genetical and statistical side is below that of Dr. Spicer, whom you were recently good enough to entertain. Dr. Bernstein himself is very anxious to be given the opportunity of working with you, and I am sure will do his best to take full advantage of the opportunity if you give it to him. Yours sincerely, ss lal set —_ G.S. Wilson. Professor J. Lederberg, Department of Genetics, Wisconsin University, Mad., United States of America.