PusBLic HEALTH LABORATORY SERVICE (Directed by the Medical Research Council for the Ministry of Health) TRAfford Park 3412 Municipal Buildings, 14.3, Regent Road, yalford, 5 i1th. March, 1953 Dear Professor Lederberg, Thank you for your letter of the 4th, March which I have just received. I am writing in advance of the application form since my fo poplication is likely to be subject to some delays. sone Firstly, I have to ascertain whether the Medical Research Council will be willing to grant me the necessary leave of absence. I have written to the Director of the Service (Dr. G S. Wilson) for his opinion about this. Further I have to obtain the necessary sponsors, as required by Question 418 of the form, and these are mostly in London, I cannot write to ask for their co-operation until I have heard from Dr. Wilson. I am,as you supposed,medically qualified. I originally qualified in 19,5 with the diplomas of the Royal Colleges (M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.) and later graduated M.B., B.S. (after having performed my military service) from the University of London. Since then I have obtained, by examination, the Academic Post-graduate Diploma in Bacteriology and also the higher degree of M.D. . (special subject - Bacteriology) both of the University of London. Since I am rather ignorant of American University organisation and also of some of its terminology, I shall be pleased to accept your advice as to the planning of the courses I should have to follow. It is possible, for the same reasons, that I have answered incorrectly or incompletely some of the questions on the application form, This, I hope, will be understood. As soon as I am more certain of obtaining leave to apply for the appointment I will make the necessary enquiries of the United States Consul in Manchester, I shall also have to make enquiries as to the availability ofa travel grant. I believe the Fulbright Scheme covers such matters. The financial aspects are, of course, very important to me especially as, under present currency restrictions, I shall have to be entirely self-sufficient in the United States. I understand from Dr. Spicer, however, that this is not likely to be as difficult as I imagine. I need hardly say that I am most keen to apply for this appointment. If, however, because of the delays mentioned above you feel you cannot await my my application I shall fully understand, Yours sincerely, Phir A. Bernstein Prof, J. Lederberg, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 6. Wisconsin, UsSeAe