s CONSEIL INTERNATIONAL DES UNIONS SCIENTIFIQUES (INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS) Dr. L. V. Berxner, President The President Fatwer P, Lejay, Vice-President Dr. L. V. BerKNzeR Dr. K. S. Kaisunan, Vice-President Associated Universities, Inc. CotoneL E, Herpays, Treasurer 10 Columbus Circle, Suite 1750 Sm H. Spencer Jones, Secretary General New York 19, New York, U.S.A. April 8, 1958 Prof. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Building University of Wisconsin Madison 6, wiscénsin Dear Professor Lederberg: The report to which you referred in your letter of March 31 is an internal document of the U.S. National Committee for the IGY. I am enclosing a copy for your perusal, but you will note that it is not yet in final form and therefore is not available for general publication. Since I have no control of this matter, I would appreciate it if you would consider this as a private document for your informa- tion only. Also, this is my only copy so would you please return it within the next few days. With respect to your earlier correspondence, you will be interested to know that an international committee is now being established to look into the whole question of contamination of extra-terrestrial objects in order that contamination can be reduced to an essential minimum. This committee will be under the chairmanship of the well-known bio-chemist, Professor Florkin of Liege, and will include a number of leading scientists representing every interested field. They have been asked to make a report by August l. I am sure that Professor Florkin would be happy to receive any detailed suggestions that you may wish to pass on to him concerning the work of the committee. _ Sincerely Aourss . ; > a Le ; “y CG - MeL “Le Ve Berkner /-<.. President Enc. Signed in Dr. Berkner's absence