ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC, SUITE 1750, COLISEUM TOWER 10 CoLUMBUS CIRCLE NEw York 19, NEw YORK OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT COLUMBUS 5-2090 February 14, 1958 Professor Joshua Lederberg Genetics Building University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Professor Lederberg: I was very much impressed with your carefully calculated reasoning in your memo accompanying your letter of January 31. I am very thankful to you for bringing to my attention a future aspect of the scientific caution that must be observed in the extension of our exploration into space. I can assure you that I will bring this to the attention of the proper authorities in the United States. In the meantime, I will also endeavor to bring this to the attention of the scientists of the International Council of Scientific Unions with the hope that an international position which will protect the scientific integrity of space objectives can be confirmed. . Sincerely yours, 1 ; ” } eos , on . : eo sy ‘a Lo AW. re ts oe . ie. ci & ee j ; L. V. Berkner fr se President signed in Dr. Berkner's absence