February 20, 1957 Dear Lederbergs, We had a very enjoyable time in Madison. Thank you for your hospitality--but curses on the cat! It took a whole day for the asthma to clear up--fascinating phenomenon, allergy. How's the bursa? Esther, could I have a reprint of your lamb recipe on the enclosed card? A package of other--also of interest--reprints arrived today. Thank you. The little book on groups is called "Galois and the theory of Groups", by L.R. Lieber. I shall be coming to Scotland. See you at the Burn. Bon voyage! Seymour Benzer P.S. I didn't realize at the time that you know my friend who gets bursitis before every trip--Lou Boyarsky. Scot. and Dial. for a brook, a virulent, in case you don't know.