NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL THE AMSOC COMMITTEE—MOHOLE PROJECT 2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE, WASHINGTON 25, D. C. November 3, 1960 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: Thanks very much for your nice letter of October 24 relative to microbiological work on the cores obtained by our experimental drilling. George Derbyshire called about the USSR reference you suggested. It is A. Ye. Kriss "Microbiology", Library of Congress catalog No. PP59-22321. Duplicates of your letter (and of this one) have been sent to Harry Ladd, Chairman of our technical Panel on Scientific Measurements and William Riedel, chief shipboard scientist for the experimental drilling. In the meantime I believe you have talked to Riedel and Volcani and discovered that they intend to work with Emery and Ruttenberg of U.S.C. on these measurements. Fine. Hello to Henry Kaplan if you see him. Sincerely, Willard Bascom Director WB: sw cc: Riedel, Ladd