UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY 362 NOYES LABORATORY OF CHEMISTRY URBANA May 22, 1953 Dr. Ey Ae Evans, dr. Department of Biochemistry University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois Dr. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin I understand that you are both planning to gek Lwoff to come for a visit in the middle west after the Cold Spring Harbor Symposium, We should vory much like to have him visit us and I think we can contribute part of the cost of his trip. Unfortunately, our summer school will not start until dune 22. It would be impossible to sponsor & lecture or a seminar before late in June, If, therefore, we are to contribute to Lwoff's expenses, it will have to be done on the basis of paying part of his travel rather than as an honorarium. Unless either of you has already received commitments a8 to dates for his vielt, we might wait to make the plans more definite until the time of the Symposium in Cold Spring Harbor, Our plans are such that we can have him visit us any time after June 15. I shall appreciate receiving your comments, I am writing to Iwoff now mentioning thet we are hoping to see him in Urbana after the Symposium, Sincerely yours, fo ? ae S. E. luria SELI03