P. S. BARROWS 385 Bellaire Road Del Mar, California 92014 Ory 8 1965 October 1h, 1265 Dr. Robert J. Glaser, Dean stanford School of Medicine Palo-Alto, California 9130; ยข Dear Dr. Glaser: Upon returning from a recent trip to Utah I was delighted to find your reply of Sep. 23 among the aceumlated mail. Yesterday ir. Pratt's letter of Oct. 12 arrived, mentioning his suggestion that Dr. lederberg corment further. I'd hoped for that ever since reading of him in Lr. Rosenfeld's recent Life summary. The copy of Pharos is not yet assimilated, but a first reading claces it far above the American Eugenics Society's Quarterly, whose June issue at- tempts a somevhat similar symposium. Frankly, I'm impatient with their re- dundant pedantry, almost as much as their reluctance to implement the tit- ular "Eu", Pharos, on the other hand, communicates readily, even with a layman like me, and its scope seems spacious. I've along letter from Dr. Hermann Muller, too, in which he sharcs ny feeling about the Society, to the point of shunning the word "eugenics". Should "Planned Parenthood" and "Progeny Planning" progress into "Planned Posterity"? Under whatever name, wasn't the Life series a splendid advance? I note even Business Week chiming in; though verbosely archaie Scientific Aneri- can's September issue and October lead article speak as thouch nothing can be done but praise the Lord and nass the plankton pic. Even so, the Quantity asvect is ing taken over by so many remarkably competsnt hands that it appears the frontier has moved on toward Cuality, a much more nebulous area. By the time firs. Barrows and I no longer need our estate, at least, the Explosion should be damped by either foresight ; fission, or fusion. Onc of these days we may get up that way and arrange to meet you, but meanwhile my fondest hopes have been more than satisfied. . Cy Many thanks, ec: Dr. Joshua Lederberg / Me. Peter 3. Pratt