5061 E. Hedges Ave. Fresno 2, Celif. Jvanuery 9, 19451 Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D. Stanford University Palo Alto California Dear Doctor Lederberg: My husband and I wish to add our ccongratula- tions on vour accommlishments to the many thst have no doubt already reeched you. I was one cf your laboratory assistants in the scoring and summer of 1951 at the University of Wisconsin. My futvre husband washed your @lasevere that summer, too. Though I'd hed but 2 few bacteriology courses at that time, I remem- ber how excited I was over your 'phage exoeriments with E. coli. When we read of your receiving the Nobel Prize as a result of these experiments, we were not really surprised, but tremendously pleased for you and your wife. My husband is now a meteorologist at the Weather Bureau here. I received ty B.S. from San Diego State College and then a Clinical Lab- oratory Technologist license, but am no longer working as have two small children. I enjoyed the January 2 Time magazine article. Your voresent project in exobiology sounds fasci- nating. I am looking forward to someday reading the conclusions from your spacial probings. My husband and I wish you céntinued success and greater achievements in the future. Yours very truly, Eoin de Bot Emily J. (Woodworth) Bailey A hrforlts)