KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET STOCKHOLM 60, SWEDEN 5.5.1961 DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY Professor Josua Lederberg Stanéord University Dept of Genetics Stanford, Calif. Dear Prof. Lederberg: For a number of years there has been a growing interest for microbial genetics at the Karolinska Institutet. During the last year this area has been represented here by Dr G.Bertani from Los Angeles. His stay as a visiting Professor at the Bacteriology department has been of great value and there is now a strong feeling for providing - a full professorship for him. An opening has now offered itself to make the necessary arrangements, but the Institute must then make a proposition to the King before May 20th. Ordinanily the appointment of a new department head calls for a& very time consuming procedure, but since Bertani from the formal point of view has already reached the equivalent level and is such an outstanding capacity in the field there is a possibility to make a short cut. However, some short statements of outstanding specialists in the field will then - have to be appended to the Institute’s proposal. Since the time available is so short, I now approach a few people, who are already familiar with Bertani’s activities in recent years. I include you in this category and now wonder if you would be kind enough to send me - before May 20th - some short comments which could be used as indicated above. Regretting that I have to burden you with this request I remain. a Sincerely yours a B. Malmgren f Head of the cteriological Dept.