COMMONWEALTH e if a 4 q ‘ Feo €; OF AUSTRALIA f. Rh COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANIZATION OHF .MS DIVISION OF PLANT INDUSTRY TELEGRAMS : CORESEARCH, CANBERRA P.O. BOX 109, CITY. TELEPHONE : J 0455 CANBERRA, A.C.T., In reply please refer to 25th October, 1957 Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Departnent of Bacteriology, University of Melbourne, Carlton, N.3. vic. Dear Josh, I hope you don't mind if I bother you with a request for help on behalf of one of my young colleagues. Owing to the short- ness of your visit you were not able to meet Fraser Bergersen, one of our Rhizobium workers, whose name I mentioned to you as one of those I was hoping you would get to know. He is one of our ablest young men and is highly regarded by all of us and certainly be Philip Nutman who, as you may know, was with us for three years. Bergersen has made excellent pro- gress in his study of infection mechanisms and metabolism of Rhizobium. He would now very much like to spend a year at Wisconsin and the purposes of this visit are explained in the enclosed copy cf a letter to Dr. Wilson. I think Bergersen was a little modest in suggesting that his chance of a C.5.1.R.0. studentship is not great, but since there is usually a very strong and large field for these very few studentships, I would say that it is by no means a certainty, and I have encouraged him to look for other avenues. My question to you now is, do you think you could write to Dr. Wilson and support Bergersen's letter? You could at least say what you think of the institution in which he works. Kindest regards, Yours ever OW (O.H. Frankel)