yey in thy Lets 7 FJB/NR xxx JOU55 AIR MAIL 2uth October, 1957 Professor P.W. Wilson, Department of Bacteriology, University of Viscorsin, MADISON. LVCOMSIN, Ue C.As Dear Professor “ilson, For the past four years I have been working in Conberra with a group studyinr various aspects of the Rhizobium-legume symbiosis. Two and a half years of this period were spent under the direction of Dr. P.8. Nutman, now head of the Soil Bacteriology Department at Rothamsted, England. For the first 14-2 years my work was concerned with. nodule and bacteroid structure in a range of host-bacterial combinations. My early training was in the Microblolory Department of the University of Otago, Dunedin, New “ealand, and my interests in the root nodule work have always been mainly concerned with the vacterial component of the s:mbiotic system. Consc-vently for the p st two years I have been studving the physiolory a-€ strveture of the so-celled hacteroids" of root nodules in rel: tion to the host tissue in which they lie. I have exnminec respiration, nucleic scid and nitroren content of becteroids ‘*reurrout the functional life of soy bean nodules, and 1m st present envnved in a study of the terminal electron tronsport system of these forms. In addition, electron microscony of thin sections of soy bean and clover nodules, has revealed a sub=-microscopic membranous structure which encloses individuals and groups of bacteria in the host cytoplasm. The results of these studies have raised the possibility that nitrogen fixation occurs not in the bacteroids, but at or near their surface, possibly in the abovementioned membranes. In order to clinch this an isotopic study of the incorporstion of fixed nitrocen into the host tissue and into the bacteroids, is necessary: that is, does the fixed N appear first in the bocteri:1 component of the nodules, or in the nodule eytoplism. Now aoecs the noint of this communication. At present ve hove no fecilities for neavy isotope work, although there is a mnss spectrorraph in the Australian National University whieh is virtvally next door to us, but they are at present engaged in work with lead isotopes and cannot conveniently help us at present. The surgestion has been mode that I write to you and encuire if it would be possible to come and work in your department for one year, to gain exnerience with 15 N and perneps even to carry out the experiments which we have in mind. If the programme of your department would permit this, the experience I would gain and the contacts I would m=ke with people interested in symbiotic nitroven fixation would prove most valuable for future work which I ray he cshle to do on this subject. ~ 2 - It is my intention to apply for a Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Overseas Postgraduate Studentship for 1958-59. However there is only a limited number of these awarded each year for study in the United States and my chances of winning one are therefore not great. Should I be unsuccessful would there be any possibility of a research assistantship or other similar appointment in your departrent? If there is, I feel sure C.S.1I.R.0. would provide additional finencial support for travel to and maintenance in the United Stntes. I will, of course, be pleased to supply in greater detail my qualifications, exnecrience, publications and so on should you recuire such information, but I think I have proviced sufficient for this preliminary enquiry. I am, Yours sincerely, (F... Bergersen) RESEARCH OFFICER