Dartmouth Medical School wanover: NEW HAMPSHIRE - 03755 Department of Pathology December 29, 196 JAN 61965 Joshua Lederberg Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California 9305 Dear Doctor Lederberg: The Committee on Training in Pathology of the Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health has thought that it might be advisable to develop a program in which young pathologists in training might be further developed under the direction of basic scientists other than pathologists. The general idea is that following graduation from Medical School and a period of two to three years of internship and residency training in pathology with associated or principal research activities, that the trainee, if he is so motivated, might apply for fellowship support or a traineeship in the area of genetics where he could spend one or more years in an atmosphere of active research. The members of the Committee feel that any such arrangement which might be made with directors of training programs in the various fields of genetics would be so designed as not to place any financial strain on their existing programs. The Committee is much concerned with the further orientation of research activity in pathology and feels that this is one way in which the future pathologist in academic centers in this country might gain valuable training which would be of benefit to pathology in general. After other members of this Committee have had most encouraging replies from training centers in biochemistry and biophysics, I have agreed to get in touch with a few leading geneticists and directors of training programs in this field, hoping to get some opinion from them as to whether this plan has any merits and whether they might be willing to participate or give us some indication as to colleagues who might be helpful in carrying out this idea. -2- I would greatly appreciate having your opinion, any sug- gestions and would hope that you, yourself, might be interested in this type of development of young pathologists. Sincerely yours, LHe Kurt Benirschke, M.D. Member, Pathology Training Committee KB:ibs