Daily Mirror Joshua Lederberg, Esa Stanford University, Santa Clara County; West Califomia, U.S.A. ny, , if , F Oped d 7, ho hear be iF Telegrams: Mirror London EC] Telex 21165 JUL 1:0 1962 Holborn Circus London EC] Telephone: Fleet Street 0246 Ext. 5th July, 1962 You may remember that we met at the COSPAR meeting in Nice early in 1961. 4 at MG Ceelhirr . preg ‘ ~ 196)". a In the Eurovean edition of the Ne. Times today, there is a reference to & NASA olan ——— N "To send a small device with a sticky string ‘* ‘ . 2 7 s and a broth spiked with radioactive c i/ 7 i eae a RONALD BADFORD ~ - Seience Nditor