Institute of Animal Genetics, West Mains Road, Edinburgh 9, 6th December, 1957 Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wisconsin, U.S.A. Dear Josh, I wonder whether you could possibly agree to a change in the time of Bishop's arrival, If it is at all énconvenient, please say so at once, but it would be a great help to us here if he could delay his move for 6 montis, During the past 9 months or so he has been working with me on aqueous extracts of some of the Paramecium antigens and the work has now got to rather a critical point, He has done a good deal on the technical side of extracting and purifying the immobilization antigens, and I would very much like him now to begin a study of tne properties of the antigen preparations which we are now in a position to make, From his point of view this would be a good thing, since he would then have the satisfaction of getting some actual results from his work; and from my point of view it would be a great help since if he leaves now I shall have to try and get someone else to start more or less from the beginning again, We feel tuat another 6 months would be of the greatest use. Perhaps you could let me know as soon as possible your reaction to this - with the utmost frankness, of course! If you should be unwilling to agree to the postponement, I shall quite understand. I know Bishop is looking forward very keenly to his stay in your Department and would naturally not wish to prejudice in any way the success of his work with you. With all good wishes, G.H. BEALE