SEP 211964 DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY nena Soibl Mindy Unwersity of Illinois + 127 Burrill Hall, Urbana, Illinois 4. A. Cf September 16, 1964 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford Medical Center 300 Pasteur Drive Palo Alto California Dear Josh, I have been wondering whether you have given very serious consideration * to the development of laser telemetry systems. According to John (Atwood), a gas laser with a 1 meter transmitting telescope would have a beam diameter of about 50 miles at a distance of 10° miles. This is ca. 1013 times better than 47 transmitters could do. In his opinion, such instruments, including sufficient pointing devices, could be developed within two years. The telemetry problem as it stands now is a real inhibitor of thought on the Mars program, and a drastic improvement in telemetry might be v more worthwhile than all the attempts to make experiments feasible with present means. (oom Ly I hope we will have a chance to talk things over in October. With warm regards, ’ . \ eh K. C. Atwood Professor of Microblology KCAicc £ | bowl AX YU npur Aarrdk Cerin ante GAL { Any cy Pr Vlei? — Ext lh, . ( fete - CA nA Pe a LA Ld oe at)