March 16, 1958 Dr. Robert $. Morison, Director Biological and Medical esearch The Rockefeller Foundation 49 Weet 49th Stract New York, New York Wear Dr. Morison: ul 2 Thie Medical School initiated a program in medical genetice with the ap- pathtment of Dr. Newton Morton as Assistant Professor of Anatomy. Subsequently, a separate Department of Medical Genetics was organized, comprising Dr. Morton and fessor Joshua Lederberg ac Chairman. The joint appointment of ita Chairman typi- fey the close Liaison between the new department and ites counterpare in the College gf Agriculture. The combined resources of the two departments furnish an unexampled dpdortunity for the development of genetics in medical research and education. we dith the combined support from the Wisconsin Aluan{ Research Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and the State Legislature, a new resesrch wing is being constructed at the Medical School at a cost of over one and onze half million dollars. This will permit the housing of Medical Genetics in modern laboratory facilities, including space for the rounding out of its initial staff with a third nid@mber, After careful consideration, and on the recommendations of the Departments of Medical Genetics and Genetics, the Medical School has endorsed the appointment of Kimball ©. Atwood, M.D., as Associate Professor of Medical Genetics. The development of a new department has, of course, required the commitment ef substantial funds, for the Medical School's share of Professor Lederberg's salary and for the complete assumption of Dr. Morton's by next year. we have been unable to finance Dr. Atwood’s appointment out of current funds. we are therefore asking the help cf the Rockefeller Foundation in developing our program in Medical Genetics by a\port over the next three years. After that time, we anticipate being able to transfer Dr. Atwood's salary to our regular budget. tur anticipated requirements are listed below, and include $37,500 for Dr. Atwood on the assumption of an average salary of §12,500 (calendar year basis) which may be necessary to attract a scientist of Dr. Atwood's calibre and reputation. dr. Atwood hag indicated a po@®ible preference for am academic year arrangement which would have to be worked out on the basis of university policy. The space allotted to Medical Genetica fa the new research utng emounta to 4,000 square feet net, about 10% of the new wing, and represents an investment of about $160,000 from other sources. Unfortunately, financial probleme have made it impossible to complete and equip the facility under the original budget, and we are requesting $75,000 for this purpose. The other amounts listed represent the unused portion of existing grants for the programs already under way by Professors Morton and Lederberg, funds which are to be consolidated inte this overall request. Page 2 ~ Dr. Robert $. Morison - March 18, 1958 In view of the possibility that grants for smaller amounts may become avail- able for various aspects of the program on one hand, and that unexpected needs may arise on the other, we could make even more advantageous use of these funds if they were available without limit es to time, that is, as an unrestricted grant. They could then continue to be used as insurance to underwrite projects for which other fin- ancing would become available in due course, and in this way their effectivencss would be multiplied. However, we will be more than. pleased to operate within a three year term, if that is more in line with the Foundation's policies. Dr. Atwood could not be formally approached until we could make him a tete offer. He has, however, expressed a tangible interest in our program, and ere hopefully confident that he will accept a reasonable offer. ac the present » he is a Senior Biologist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where, unfortun« y, the research opportunities are not matched by the academic facilities for the collaboration with and training of graduate students. The Department of Medical Genetics has been conceived primarily as a re- ch unit, with the responsibility of collaborating with other members of the Staff th research and teaching activity. Dr. Morton is already engaged in studies of ular dystrophy and spherocytosis in man, both from a biometric and a physiological @. Dr. Lederberg will continuc his work on the genetics of bacteria and viruses. Dr. Atwood is well known for his work on the cellular lesion in radiation injury, ing made a superb application of tha technical properties of Neurospora spores for purpose. He, as well as Dr. Morton and Dr. Lederberg, is also deeply interestad he genetics of somatic cells, and has studies well under-way of somatic mutation human erythrocytes with respect to serological properties. His position at vak Ridge has not furnished an opportunity to exploit his medical training, a qualifica- &ion that adds to his aptitude for the present opportunity. In summary, it would be fair to characterize the theme of the Department of Medical Genetics as a primary gsoncern for basic aspects of genetics, with diverse experimental materials, but an Origntation towards medicine and th. zual co encourage those applications of genetics jmedicine as their theoretical work unfolds. The Medical School feels that this is soundest base on which to build applied studies, and the training of graduate students, residents, and post-doctoral fellows as practitioners of the various aspects of] medical genetics. One advantage at Wisconsin that permite the development of this program on a bresier base of theoretical work than clsewhere is the integration of the Medical Schooi in a University setting, and in particular, the cooperation of the Medical Genetics group with the Genetics Department. The latter Department has already expressed its vital interest in Dr. Atwood's appointment, to the extent of offering him a comparable rank should he be appointed in the Medical School. Some additional information on Dr. Atwood's background is enclosed. It would be most convenient for us if any grant could be made effective September 1, 1958, either for three yeare, or an indefinite term. We intend to proceed with an offer to Dr. Atwood as soon as we have assurance of the necessary starting funds. Yours sincerely, L Pron — im 2. Bowers, /.5. ea eat JZ3B:ca budcdé Three Year Grant September 1, 1953 co August 31, Ly5l Salary, K. C. Atwood, M.D. Equipment of research facility (includes apparatus and laboratory furniture not covered in construction budget) Unexpended balances as of Sept. 1, 1958: Rockefellexs No. 56088 (Dr. Morton) Rockefeller No. 53108 ren. (Prof, Lederberg) Total Program Balance Total this Request § 37, 5eu 75,000 .U0 7 ,50U.uC 2 8uu 09 $127 ,buG.0U 14 ,50U.00 $112,500.00 Kimball C. Atwood b, New York, N.Y. May 15, 1921, A.B, Columbia College 1942. M.D. New York University 1946. Intern (surgery), Bellevue Hospital 1946-47, Research associate in zoology, Columbia University, 1947-1950, Visiting assistant professor of microbiology, Columbia, 1950-51. Sr, Biologist, Oak Ridge Natl. Lab, 195la-m=, Some of his principal publications are: 1941 Hinton, T. and KCA, Terminal adhesions of salivary gland chromosomes in Drosophila, Proc, Nat. Acad, Soi. 27:491-496, 1951 KCA, L.K. Schneider and F, J, Ryan. Periodic selection in E coli. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci, 37:146-155, ib, Selective mechanisms in bacteria. Cold Spring Harbor Symp, Quant. Biol. 16: 345-355, 1949 KCA and A, Norman, On the interpretation of multi-hit survival curves. Prec, Nat. Acad, Sei. 35:696=709. 1953 KCA and F, Mukani. Indispensable gene functions in Neurospora, Proc, Nat. Acad. Sci, 39:1027-1035. 1955 KCA and T. H. Pittenger. The efficiency of nuclear mixing during heterokaryon formation in Neurospora orassa, Am, J. Bot. 42:496~500, 1956 Pittenger, T, H, and KCA. Stability of nuclear proportions during growth of Neurospora heterokaryons, Genetica 41:227-241, Some of Atwood's best and most complex work, on the detection and homology- mapping of lethals, and on the role of the nucleus as the principal target of radiation damage in Neurospora, has not yet been published in detadl, His current work is on the mechanism of radiation damage to cellular constituents (primarily nuclear) in Neurospora, Drosophila and mice, He has also initiated a study of somatic mutation during erythropoiesis in man, and has obtained preliminary evidence for the occurrence of mutant AO and BO red cells in AB individuals,