Ske DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE BETHESDA 14, MD. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH OLiver 6-4000 September 21, 1960 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Biology Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Josh; I have been asked to write to you and the others listed below to find out if you would be available to participate in a Metabolism and Genetics Mission to Russia in October 1961. This mission is under the aegis of the Office of International Research Activities and, like other missions of this kind. is considered to be a significant part of our general cultural exchange program with the USSR. The present group will be completely analogous to earlier ones that you have probably heard about, such as the one in 1959 which included Arthur Kornberg, Konrad Bloch, Bernard Davis, and DeWitt Stetten,. Since my name is included in the list, I am naturally very much aware of the time that this project will take from our normal routines. However, the idea of such a visit (which, incidentally, would be for a total of 3 to 4 weeks as I understand it) is certainly important enough to justify some expenditure of time. I hope I will hear from you soon with at least an indication of your preliminary feelings about being a member of this mission, Best regards. Sincerely yours, C. B. Anfinsen, Jr. Chief, Laboratory of Cellular Physiology and Metabolism National Heart Institute Prof, Seymour Benzer Prof, Curt Stern Dr. Alfred D. Hershey Prof. George W. Beadle National Cancer Institute National Heart Institute National Inatitute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases National Inatitute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases National Institute of Dental Research National Institute of Mental Health National Institute of Neurological Diseasea and Blindness The Clinical Center Division of Biologics Standards Division of General Medical Sciences Division of Research Grants Division of Research Services