DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE . BETHESDA 14, MD. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH OLiver 6-4000 Chief, Office of International Research Activities April 19, 1961 Through: Dr. James Watt C. 8. Anfinsen Chief, Lateratory of Cellular Physiolegy and Metacolism Metabolism and Cenetics Mission te Russia, Octozer, 1961] The Metabolism and Genetics Mission to Kussia planned for October, 1961, has, in the last month, run into certain snags in- velving the availability of some of the suggested members. [ have had letters from both Professor J. Lederberg of Stanford University and Professor George Eeadle, now President of the University ef Cricago, in which they say they cannot participate. For personal reasons, I also find myself unatle to meke this trip and must, there- fore, make the follewing suggestions: 1. The mission be cancelled for this year and organized with different participants for a later date or (2) if it is to be made, to enlist two other individuals, preferably from the NIH to simplify clearance procedures, etc. [ would suggest as ideal possibilities Or. Marvey Itano, NIAMD, and Dr. Harry Eagle of the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Eagle is, of course, leaving the NIH this fall but, I think, might still be quite interested. The other members of the group would be: Or. Curt stern of the University of California, Berkeley, Or. Seymour Benzer of Purdue University, and Dr. Erwin Chargaff of Columbia University (who, incidentally, speaks quite good Russian). T sincerely hope that other arrangements can be made to carry through this Missien with prefit. cc: Drs. Beadle, Chargaff, Lederberg, Benzer, Stern (of Caos, C ‘UD 'inRen vy ANY