DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE . BETHESDA 14, MD. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH OLiver 6-4000 March 17, 1961 Professor Erwin Chargaff College of Physicians and Surgeons Columbia Universtiy New York 22, Hew York Deer Profeasor Chargafts some time ago 1 was asked to organize s Metabolism and Cenetics Mission to Russia for October 1961. This missien is onder the aegis of the Office of International Research activities, and like other missions of this kind is considered to be a significant part of our general cultural exchange program with the USSR. The growp at present tentatively includes George Beadle and Josh Lederberg and, fairly defi- nately, seymour Benzer, Curt Stern and myself. It was originally planned thet this mission would last about one month, but several of the group have suggested that two cr three weeks might be adequate snd would prefer not to make the trip longer then necessary. Are yeu free to join us, and, if so, do you have any particular preference as to dates. i need to hear from you quite soon because I must alert the others in the very near future if the trip is to come off at all. There is apparently a great deal of red tape beth in our own State Department and in the USoA te be gotten threugh. est regards. sincerely yours, G. E. Anfinesen Chief, Latoratory of Cellular Physiology and Metabolism National Heart Inatitute Chr tae cer Dr. teadle Dr. Sen er Or. Lederbere Dr. Stern