UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA 4 The School of Medicine 609 Maloney Clinic 6 December 1957 THe Evpripcz Reeves JOHNSON Founpation ror MepicaL Puysics Dear Joshua; Thank you for your letter of Nov. 25 and the proof-copy of your paper on sibling recombinants which I take it will appear in J. Bact. Of the 18 pairs we studied, one failed to give a viable F- exconjugant and three failed to yield a viable Hfr. Using motility as a marker, together with the conventional markers, 13 of the exconju- gants geve recombinants and the maximum number of recombinants obtained from any exconjugant was six. In addition there were recombinants for morphology and degree of clumping which were difficult to score. In all but threene pedigreesg,the Hfr seemed to divide normally, but the F- had difficulties and produced dead bacteria in all but one completely sterile couple. We did no F+ x F+ crosses, Thus, except for the degree of fertility, our data are in very good accord. Do you have a spare copy of "Linear Inheritance in Transductional Clones?" If so, I'd appreciate a copy. With best regards to you and to Usther, Sincerely, —_—O LO Thomas F, Anderson