PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY SERVICE (Directed by the Medical Research Council for the Ministry of Health) Central Enteric Reference Laboratory, CENTRAL PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY COLINDALE AVENUE Lonpon, N.W.9 Telephone ; COLINDALE 7041 (8 lines) Telegrams : DEFENDER, HypE, LONDON énd March, 1955. Dear Joshua, I am sending you herewith a reprint of a recent letter to Nature. Also enclosed is a copy of the Vi-phage typing scheme. I think you will find it easier to appreciate the significance of the letter if you read it in association with the chart. As you know, I have now regularized Alec's attachment to this department when he returns to England. I heard from him that Helen is probably coming to Bruce Stocker to do a Ph.D. So there will be a high concentration of your old friends in London. Kind regards to Esther and yourself, ; ‘ Dr. J. Lederberg, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 6, Wisconsin, U.sSeAo