Central Enteric Reference Laboratory, Colindale Avenue, London, N.W. 9. 9th July, 1953. Des Fork, 1 There were a number of things you asked me to do for you on my return to this country but the only note I have of these is to ask Joan Taylor about anaerogenic typhi-murium cultures, although I cannot remember in what special respect you were interested in these. There was, I think, also some question of asking Dr. Felix for early reprints. I did not make detailed notes of what you wanted because you said you would send me a memorandum listing everything. 1 have now been back a few days and I would like to let you have whatever you want; if you send me the list I shall attend to it promptly. . wih Cy Le ncucteale I spent a very pleasant week at Ann Arbor after I left Madison weteh-Gy-bevinthe and then went on to Long Island for the Symposium. This was a very intensive affair and I was extremely tired by the time it finished. I hoped to spend a couple of weeks recuperating in Northport and New York but the weather became very hot and moist and I think I would have been more comfortable in England. The voyage back was pleasant. My present task is to catch up with the work that has accumulated while I was away, to prepare a paper for Rome, and to move to a new apartment. I gave Spike the photographs and the message about West Virginia and was glad to hear from him that the tape recorder is functioning well. Hayes is definitely going to call on you when he comes to the States this autumn. I know you will like him very much. whey Professor J. Lederberg, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 6, Wisconsin.