28th April 1953 Dear Lederberg, Thank you for your letter of 26th April and for the cheque. I am willing to sell the recorder, as I think that the money situation will be rather acute before the end of my tour. I paid a little more than $100 for it, but we can discuss that when I come to Wisconsin. As far as the registration card is concerned, I don't think that the guarantee can be transferred from myself to you, even though I bought the machine only 2 or 3 days before coming to Urbana. The guarantee normally lasts 90 days, but as the recorder is a robust machine it is very unlikely that it will give you trouble. However, I feel that I must point this out in order to give you the opportunity of changing your mind if you wish. I had also noticed the dent in the front grill, but, as I did not carefully inspect this when I bought the instrument, I don't know whether it was done before or after I bought it, I had carried the recorder myself while I travelled and certainly was not banged against anything. However, these wire grills are normally pretty soft and not a great deal of pressure would be necessary to cause such a dent. In any case it can easily be straightened. The important thing as far as I'm concerned is that you should be satisfied with the performance of the machine: If you are, it's a deal. With kind regards E.S. Anderson