+ . Ye es 4a were February 22, 1961 Dr. Carl Sagan University of California Berkeley Astronomical Department Berkeley 4, California Dear Dr. Sagan: Your letter arrived just after I had sent a set of revisions to Dr. DuShane. However, I was sufficiently swayed by your arguments to make still another revision at the risk of incurring the wrath of the editor. You will find it indicated in the enclosed letter. I, too, had considered a combination of a spherical and a planar distribution, as mentioned in my footnote 35. Since I used a somewhat greater value for the thichmess of the galaxy, I obtained an even smaller difference between the two models. I agree that w would be smaller if the stars in the solar neighborhood had been closer to each other at some time in the past and if life had evolved very rapidly at that time. However, the stars could not have been ten times closer to the Sun than they are now, for otherwise the Sun would not have retained its cometary belt. Moreover, if I am not mis- taken, these clusters are usually quite small, on the order of 10°? stars. Therefore, such a cluster cannot contribute much material, even if it is situated close to the Sun. For example, if the 38 grams of cosmobiota all came from Alpha Centauri, then w for that star would have to be 4.5 x 10°+ grams. Even if you placed 1000 stars at the distance of Alpha Centauri, w would still have to be 4.5 x 1028 grams. — lat cy Dr. Sagan February 22, 1961 mM I also doubt whether extra-galactic biota could ever have made a significant contribution to the lunar popu- lation. True, the galaxies may have been much closer to each other some time in the past, but the Moon is only 4.5 aeons old, and if the present value of the Hubble constant is at all correct, then most of the expansion must have taken place before the birth of the Moon. Your estimate of the ejection of soil by meteorite impact is probably over-optimistic on several counts. First, only crater-forming meteorites of at least several hundred tons weight are ilkely to propel any material to the required high velocities. On the other hand, the microorganisms will reside only in the top soil, and since the depth of the crater is approximately equal to five times a meteorite diameter, the amount of top soil ejected by larger meteorites will go up only as the 2/3 power of the mass. Finally, the argument in my paper concerning lunar craters indicates that the velocity distribution peaks below 2 km/sec with only a relatively gmail fraction at the circum- lunar velocity. The small mass deficit of lunar craters indicates that the integral of the velocity distribution between O and 1.7 km/sec must be about 80 or 90%. If you use these data to construct a Maxwell-Boltzmann or any other reasonable kind of distribution, you will find that only a very minute fraction, far less than 1% of the material, can be propelled to the required high velocities. I am sorry, of course, that I neglected to consider the fascinating possibilities pointed cut in your paper. I hope the proposed revision meets your objections. However, I Dr. Sagan February 22, 1961 feel that a decision concerning sterilization of lunar vehicles should be made after careful appraisal of all pros and cons. So far, only the pros have been discussed in the literature, and I doubt whether any harm can result from a single con. I, too, hope that we shall have further opportumi- ties to discuss this and other related problems. I shail be in Washington at the Theoretical Division of the Goddard Space Flight Center during March and April. Any hope of seeing you there? With best regards, Youre very sincerely, oo e: clcdr ee Ld. é Cook che ua Edward Anders EA:mb ce: Dr. Lederberg :~