February 20, 1961 Der. Graham DuShane, Editor SCIENCE 1515 Massachusetts Avenue, N. Ww. Washington 5, D. C. Dear Dr. DuShane: i just received a letter from Dr. Sagan, wherein he urges me not to take too strong a stand against the sterilization of lunar vehicles. If I have not yet exhausted your patience, I should like to make the following modification in my paper. The second sentence in the next to the last para- graph should read as follows: ‘Aside from the possi- bilities discussed by Sagan (1a), the principal remaining objective, etec., etc. In veply to your question, I think that my manu- script should be indexed under "Moon", "Exobiology" or “Extra-terrestrial Life”, and "Sterilization of Space Vehicles” The manuscript based on my talk at the December meeting is not yet ready. I am rumning ebout six weeks behind schedule and fear that 1t will be about April 15 or so before I can send you the manuscript. Thank you for your indulgence. Sincerely, mY E- ih. Edward Anders ec: Dr. Carl Sagan ec: Dr. Joshua Lederberg ~