we (eo tb = Magna 4 February 14, 1961 br. Edward Anders“ Associate Prof. of Chemistry Phe Enrico Fermi Institute for Nuclear Studies University of Chicage Chicago 37, Illinois Dear DOr. Anders; Thank you for your letter and manuscript on "The Moon as a Collector of Biological Material." I am sorry I have delayed in véplying but I have only just returned from ten days in PaSadena anc Santa Monica on business of the Planetary Btmospheres study Group of the Space Science Board. Since our conversation in New York in December, I nave also been thinking about the integration of cosmobiota con- trisutions from the distrioution of stars in the Galaxy, and nave Ootained an expression slightly different from yours. The Galaxy can be considered a Shpere of radius RB, surround- dng the Sun, imbedded in a disk of radius Re and thickness Rie In this way tne contribution of biological material from the solar neighborhood is explicitly taken into account. MfTranserib- imy to your notation, I obtain Bor 2eR, +fin (R/R,) if where is the expected Lunar surface Gensity of cosmobiota, and (ay om et oD pd — fis the volume number density of stars in the solar neighbor- hood. Withf =O, the expression essentially reduces to your eq. (2). If we take Rae tne thickness of the galaxy at the Sun's distance from the galactic center, to be of the order of iUS pees, the two terms in the denominator are of equal magni- tude, This decreases your value of #W by at most a factor of 2. sowever, it does point out that if the stars in the solar neighborhood were ever very much closer together than they are today, W can nave been much Smaller. Many current ideas on Star formation suygest that there was a sudden condensation of clusters of Stars in the remote past. The clusters then dissipate; open clusters and multiple star Systems are thought to be the remnants of this process. If for 10° y@ear8, the stars in the solar neighborhood were ten times closer together, the effective Ww would be smaller by @ factor of 100. Life would have to arise very rapidly in these early times, but this may not be impossiple. There is some evidence that life arose very rapidly on the primitive Earth. ri we set & = 0, ,ftake as the mean density of stars in the universe, and Ry aS the effective radius of the universe, we ob- “hE 9728 x 10733 x 10% = a x 1947 gm, or about tain W= 4x 10 a factor of ten less tnan the previous estimate. I£ the big-bang cosmogony is correct, then f/f waS once very much greater. it therefore seems that if appropriate ejection and acceleration and Survival mechanisms exist, the lunar cosmobiota population ~~ if any -- may be predominantly intergalactic, rather than interstellar in origin. Z wonder if the values of W are as prohibitive as you suggest. a ls 3 . . - = we Lo gm, tnis corresponds to an average ejection flux during geoloyical time, for a terrestrial planet, of about ~ TG ~ -— . . = gm com 7 sec a, Current eStimates for the infall flux 3 LO ck meteorites on the Earth are 10” to 10° times larger. put anotner way, the escape flux would be about 1 micro-organism per Square centimeter per year. Suppose a one-ton meteorite ejects into interplanetary space upon impact a mass of surface material equai to 1% of its mass {is this a reasonable agSumption?). One ky of soil may contain about rot? micro- organisms, so the meteorite ejects 10° gm x 107? x 1075 = 197! gm of micro-organisns = zot+ micro-organisms into Space. There- fore, to give the required escape flux, 107* of the Barth's Surtace must have been hit by a one-ton meteorite once during geological time. Isn't it plausible that Such is the case? Finally, I would object to your revised statement of the need for sterilization of lunar impact vehicles, as contained in the copy of your reply to Dr. Lederbery, which you kindly sent to me. As Zi attempted to suggest in my paper on biological contamination of the Moon, a copy Of which i8 enclosed, there are four other reasons for sterilization besides the possible confusion of terreStriai micro-organisms with cosmobiota. These are: (1) a confusion between deposited terrestrial micro-organisms 2 ang rélics of primitive Lunar indigenous organisms (2) a confusion between deposited terrestrial organic matter and prebiological Lunar organic matter we Sut an @xplosive reproduction of deposited terrestrial micro- oe organisms in prebiological lunar organic matter, and {4} interaction or confusion between deposited terrestrial micro-organisms and indigenous contemporary Lunar organisms. TO this can now be added the very exciting suggestion of Dr. Tuvkevica, which you quote, namely, (5} interaction or confusion between deposited terrestrial micro-organisms anc ancient terrestrial organisms, or their remnants, ejected to the Moon in early times. In my paper, Z conclude that the likelihoods of (1) and {2) ocuurring are very Small, but the probabilities of {3), (4}, and (5), while remote, are non-negligible. Even if it were certain that the Moon nad been previously contaminated through meceoritic ejection, I would argue for sterilization of impacters tO keep the Moon safe for paleomicrobiologists. But as you point out, we are not certain. Since the information to be gained from an investigation of Lunar prebiological organic matter, indigenous lunar organism, or ancient terrestrial micro-organisms, are 60 important, despite the fact that the probabilities of making these discoveries are low, I feel that rigorous steriliza- tion should be supported. The engineers are anxious to be rid o£ the burdensome chore of sterilization, anc I know they will seize upon your Statement. i would therefore urge you to reconsider vour comments on lunar sterilization. Thank you again for sending me your faScinating manuscript. I hope we will have the opportunity of discussing these topics again soon. Sincerely, Carl Sagan Cs:mr Enclosure - 1 cc: Dr. Lederberg