july 11,1958 Professor J. Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Professor Lederberg, Thank you both for your very kind reply of may 5 and for the reprint from "Genetics" I received yesterday. I want to stress to you that the point on which I insisted in in my expa@iment was that physiologi- cal adaptation is impossible in resting clones. My cellophane colonies were not moved across the antibiotic -gradient plate until it was considered that the colony has attained its full development, this is to say that no further increase in its viable count was liable to occur. WATANABE et al. /J.Bact.x 1957,74,770/ bave obtained essentially similar res- ults using resting bacteria in buffered solutions. Your paper on sib-selection is highly interest- ing and I think it could be very useful for me in re=~ DH combination expriments. c I would be very grateful to you if you could send 4 me whatever reprints you may have available as recent iy microgenetical litterature is rather scarce and "Ge- netics" does not come at all. C Yours truly, Eugene Isaac Altescu Laboratory Division Dobrita Sanitarium fg Jiu ( Vie MAD. ¥ Romania EA/nor