Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison , Dear Professor Lederberg, I must ask you first to excuse me for addressing you in such abrupt manner. I know that it is most imn-— pertinent to demand advice to someone who is not wil- 3 ling to give it,but as I am badly in need I trespassed this elementary rule and I am writing you. I am a relatively young worker in the. field of microbial variability.In the course of a work: on re- combination in Serratia marcescens I was put in the awkward situation to decide whether adaptation can co- exist with mutation-selection in the teritory of drug resistance.The number of those wao believe that drug resistance in bacteria is due to progressive adaptation is ratner small.As you know tney are crowded mainly in Cambridge,England,under the banner of Sir Cyril Hinshel- wood and are waging a phony war to their over-there and _ over-nere colleagues.They issued a book summing up their. collective effort on adaptation in bacteria/Cambridge,1953/. Iread this book in an excellent russian translation and Ifound that tnere is something in it.I was thus obliged ‘to decide in my mind,because indecision in our particular field leads to error and error to disaster. I tried to devise an experimental system which would leave but little room for doubt.It was my desire to,attack diwetly the problem as I did hot want to prove the reality of mutation but to prove or disprove the existance of in- “ duction of antibiotic-resistance. In this scope I looked for your replica-plating method/J.Bact.1952,63,399/but as RYAN et al. showed/J.Bact.1955,69,552/resistant clones may spring on the top sensitive mother colonies I felt that the velveteen stamp could carry secondary clones and thus give a false argument to adaptation.Finally I choosed the antibi- otic-gradient plate of BRYSON & SZYBALSKI /Science 1952,116, 45/ and the experiment was devised in tne following manner: On a streptomycin-gradient plate /the highest concentration- joo gamma/ I laid some cellophane triangles/grossly isoscels, catheta 1.5 cm long/. Tuese triangles’ were laid on the drug- free zone of the plate and seeded with one cell of Serratia marcescens strain T/initial resitance to dihydrostreptomycin RAFPA:3.3 gamma per ml/. After the colony has developped/18 nrs at 22°C/tne triangle was pulled.gradually accross the pla- te to the antipiotic-full margin.This was done in five days. Wnoen the drug-full margin was reached,tne triangles were re- movea from the plate and the colonies separated from their cel- lopuane support by stirring in a lo ml vroth containing test tube.Adequate dilutions were made and plated for viable count and streptomycin-resistance.Tue results indicated that the vast majority of germs were killed by tne gradual contact with the fe \ \ antibiotic and only ten or so cells escaped this fate /ten in a billion in tne control/.It must be noted that these cells rémained streptomycin-sensitive. © - low,why do I seek your advice? May I interpret tnese results as indicating that direct induction of an- tibiotic-resistance does not exist: and all the brilliant ratiocinations of the cambridgians are but blah-blah-blah? Prior to the experiments I believed that my system will radically decide in the case mutation versus adaptation. There are already strong proofs accumulated against drug- adaptation,may I consider my experiments as such a proof? . I am most anxious to read your reply and begging you again to excuse me for my abrupteness I remain Sincerely yours, Eugene Is Altescu M.D. 25.1V.1958 ~ . Wil Laboratory Division Dobrita Sanitarium Tg Jiu Romania E.A./n.r.