THE PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL in the City of New York ai COLUMBIA-PRESBYTERIAN MEDICAL CENTER 622 WEST 168TH STREET NEW YORK 32, N.Y. February Zlst, 1958 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Medical Genetics School of Medicine Genetics Building the University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: Grace Leidy and I are very pleased that you are in the process of studying the nutritional requirements of Henophilus. We shipped yesterday the cultures listed below. Cascia Sa and Ra Santo Sb and Rb huggiero Se and Re Garf Sd and Rd Pell Se and Re Dingles Sf and kf H. pareinfluenzae Fiddess Bossarelli H. suis #7356-8 (H. parasuis) H. aegyptius #15, #46 I suppose we have had more experience with Sd and Kd than with any other type. In answer to your guestion on irregularity in the DPN (continued) BABIES HOSPITAL © HARKNESS PAVILION * INSTITUTE OF OPHTHALMOLOGY *& MARY HARKNESS HOME * NEUROLOGICAL INSTITUTE NEW YORK ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL * PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL * SLOANE HOSPITAL * SQUIER UROLOGICAL CLINIC * VANDERBILT CLINIC $209 nN Page requirement of Rd, we have not studied this in a sufficiently quantitative fashion to answer this. We are looking forward to hearing about your results. with kindest regards, Yours, AMEE, Anpowden_ Hattie L, Alexander, M. D. Associate Professor of Pediatrics College of Physicians and Surgeons Columbia University HEAtns