FILE NO.: G20 eeven \ UNITED NATIONS ¢ y NATIONS UNIES NEW YORK GABLE ADDRESS * UNATIONS NEWYORK © ADRESSE TELEGRAPHIQUE 26 May 1958 Dear Josh, Here is the text of the Genetics Annex of the Radiation Committee Report as it will go to the Comittee on June 9th, and as it will appear in the final document (since I assume there will be no competent geneticist present at the June 9th meeting). Enclosed also is the Genetics Section of the main text of the report as it now stands: it should also be imme from further changes, Thank you very much for sending me the reference. I can't think why I missed it in a paper for which I have great affection and regard. With best regards to both Esther and yourself. Yours sincerely, Raymond K, 4 eyard “Jo ‘couka7dey Professor Joshua Lederberg Genetics Building University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin