JUN 5 1962 / UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY LOS ANGE Mi LES 24, CALIFORNIA May 30,1962. HS Nigack Ove. Prof. Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Stanford Dear Prof Lederberg , During the week Junel8-23, I shall probably be visiting 3tanford and I would like to ask you if it is possible for me & — to risit you laboratory some day during that week. In Upvsala Nea . . * : oa I carried out some exveriments with counter-current distribution® of bacteria and other microorganisms together with Dr Baird oO and Hofsten(see the enclosed reprint) and it would be very 2 interesting forme to discuss these exveriments with you anc yours — collesgyes. . Please inform me if an other time would be more suitable for¢ vou. I have also written a letter to Prof. Kornbers an. asked him if I can see him at the same time. T shall be staying here in Los Angeles until the end of this year. Yours sincerely o Latte ett ee Per—fice Albertsson © oer 7 conan A hee AE, ho be vey bagzeg (02 pera hovvs rng bry moe tepicid yg ehiadedm gree ariltela. \