OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY UNION CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY DIVISION OF UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION 3 POST OFFICE BOX Y OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE February 19, 1960 via air mail Dr. Joshua Lederberg aS | Stanford University Medical School 3 Palo Alto, California a) Fp tle Dear Dr. Lederberg: I am trying to track down non-lysogenic HFr and F- cultures for some studies that we have initiated here at Oak Ridge. Dr. Luria suggested that you might be able to help me out. The project involves X-irradiation of one of the parents used for a cross and an attempt at genetic analysis of the progeny. So far our data suggest that X-irradiation of the F- increases the frequency of recombinants obtained but this data is very much confused by the fact that all of our cultures are lysogenic and are induced by the doses ; employed. I feel that the system may be an interesting one to work 6 out, and I hope that you can provide me with some cultures and infor- i/ mation on them. I would prefer to use HFr's for which mapping is pretty well worked out since one of our projects involves radiating the HFr and scoring for cell viability and breakage of linkages between genes as assayed by mating with unirradiated F-. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely yours, Howard I. Adler Biology Division HIA:nph lomowH'aa7dy 3/24 [oe