BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS Board of Sponsors Hans A. Berue Cornell University Chairman Les A. Dupripen California Institute of Technology Vice-Chairman SAMUEL K. ALLISON University of Chicago Rosert F. BACHER California Institute of Technology Detiev W. BRong Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research A. H. Compron Washington University E. U. Connon ‘Washington University FarrINGTON DANIELS University of Wisconsin Apert EINSTEIN (1879-1955) Jamzs FraNck University of Chicago Samus. A, GouDsMIT Brookhaven National Laboratory Torin R, Hocness University of Chicago EF. WHEELER Loomis University of Illinois Pure M. Morss Massachusetts Institute of Technology red . MULLER Indiana University J. Ropert OPPENHEIMER “A Magazine of SCIENCE AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS” 935 EAST 60TH STREET - CHICAGO 37 - ILLINOIS DOrcugster 3-5225 EUGENE RABINOWITCH Editor November 26, 1962 Dr. Joshua Lederberg a. Department of Biology, Lo WA Stanford University KOA Palo Alto, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: The Bulletin invites you to attend its spring editorial conference. We are organizing a small and very private meeting here at the Center for Continuing Education, University of Chicago, May 16-18. Some twenty scientists will be invited to meet and discuss with the Bulletin staff and its editorial board the direction and subject matter of the magazine for the coming year. The Bulletin has grown to a paid circulation of 27,000 and it seems to us imperative to share with a representative group of American scien- tists some of the questions we have been asking ourselves: should the magazine continue to expand its coverage; should the title be changed to more accurately reflect the contents; what are the important issues, political and scientific, that the magazine should be prepared to analyze. Institute for Advanced Study These and many other questions concern us and we hope for your advice Linus Pauline California Institute of Technology G. B. PaGRaAM (1875-1958) I. J. Rast Columbia University Jutian SCHWINGER Harvard University FREDERICK SEITZ University of Hlinois Joun A. SIMPSON University of Chicago Cyrit S, SMITH Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lgo SziLarD University of Chicago Epwarp TELLER University of California Harotp C, Urey University of California V. FB. WEIisskoPr Massachusetts Institute of Technology Hucs C. Wore American Institute of Physics SEWALL WRricur . University of Wisconsin JBRROLD ZACHARIAS Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professional affiliations for identification purposes only and guidance. Upon Dr. Rabinowitch's return from Europe om December 1, we work out a detailed program for your consideration. In the meantime, I would appreciate xnowing whether you can plan to attend. We have submitted an application to a Chicago foundation for travel and accom- modation costs. pian to Regards, Yours sincerely, Ruth Adams Managing Editor RAieg Enclosures: December 1962 issue Tentative list of participants PUBLISHED B¥Y EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR NUCLEAR SCIENCE * INCORPORATED Plan for an Editoris] Comference om the Role of Scienticts 2nd Science and Techrology im Contemporary Fublic Affairs Sponsored by the BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCI=NTISTS DATE: May 16, 17, 18, 1962 FLAC#: Ceuter for Continuing Educatin, University of Chicago Participants to be invited: Joshua Lederberg, Stanford (biology) Owen Chamberlain, Berkeley (physics) Donald Glaser, Berkeley (nhysics) Freeman Dyson, Institute for Advanced Study (physics) Bernard Feld, Massachusetts Institute of Techaology (physics) Matthew Mes--lson, Harvard (biology) Alexander Rich, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (biophysics) Joha Polanyi, Umsiv-rsity of Toronto (chemistry) Wolfgang Panofsky, Stanford (physics) Alfred Hibbs, Jet Fropulsion Laboratory (mathematics) Roger Fisher, Harvard (law) Michael Brower, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (economics) J. David Singer, University of Michigan (political Science) Kenneth Boulding, University of Michigan (-conomics) Th. Dobzhansky, Rockefeller Institute (genetics) Charles Sh-rwin, Aerospace Corporatioa (physics) Ctto Klimeberg, Columbia (sociology) Hams Bethe, Corne'1 (physics) Spousor Jay Crear, Cornel! (physics) Gerard Piel, publisher, Scientific American Lee A. Dubridge, California Inastitute of Technology (President) Sponsor Beatley Glass, Johus Hopkins (biology) Sponsor Speakers to be invited Jerome Wiesner, Chairman, Fresident's Scientific Advisory Committee Harrisom Brown, Foreiga Secretary, National Acaiemy of Sciences George W. Beavle, Presideat, University of Chicazu Frederick Seitz, President, National Academy of Sciences University of Chicago Part’cipaats: Morton Grodzins (political science) Board Member Robert Gomer (chemistry) Board Member Joha Simpson (physics) Sponsor Samuel Alli. on (physics) Board hiember Alexander wongadorf (physics) bosrd Member Hans Zeiss] (law) Board vember Robert wolff (philosonty) Board l.ember Bugerne Rabinowitch (editor and bioc.emist) Ruth Adams (managing editor) Lois Gardmer (assistant editor)