SIR WILLIAM DUNN SCHOOL OF PATHOLOGY UNIVERSITY oF OXFORD TELEPHONE: OXFORD 57321 TELEGRAMS: PATHOLOGY-OXFORD EPA/VB | 28th June, 1960. Professor Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Medical School Stanford — ° California U.S.A. Dear Dr Lederberg, The Royal Society has asked for something about antibiotics to be included among the exhibits at a Conversazione to be held in connection with its Tercentenary celebrations. We thought that it might be possible to illustrate, among other things, the action of penicillin on cell wall synthesis. In addition to several photographs we felt that it might be worthwhile to reproduce the drawing illustrating the transformation of a bacterial rod to a spheroplast which appears in your paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, September 1956. Would you mind if we were to reproduce this on a larger scales We should be grateful if you would give us permission to do so. We are not sure that we have rightly interpreted the significance of the light and dark portion of your protoplast as draw. Does this represent a difference in shading which you observed under dark phase contrast? Yours sincerely, EP. Atretie Ee P, Ab raham.