INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY January 4, 1951 Dr, Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, wisconsin Dear Johsua: I was really disappointed in your letter of December 22 because I looked forward to the possibility of a joint volume with you. However, I know what you mean by being left exhausted from writing. Your comment on not yet having a research organization that can roll along without your constant attention amuses me just a little bit. I wonder whether that is ever achieved by anyone. I have had a research group working together for quite a while, but I still find that it takes constant attention every day and most of every day to keep things running smoothly. If you ever discover the secret for getting it to roll under its own momentum, please pass it along to me, for here is one man who would welcome that information tremendously. Your suggestions about the volume are much anpreciated and I shall certainly take them into consideration. I shall also undoubtedly avail myself of your kind offer to look over the material on bacteria if and when I vet it writren. This will be a wonderful help to me, I am sure. Your decision to withhold writing a book on genetic bacteriology for about ten years is undoubtedly a wise one and has much to recomend it. On the other hand, while I have shared this view about the genetics of microorganisms in general, I still feel that a start has to be wade even though it is a very imrerfect start and ore which will be out of date very quickly, for there is so much interest in the field and so much clamoring for an organized presentation of material that I believe this need should be satisfied even though it is a tentative and immerfect effort. I only hope that I will see the thing throuch. Thank you also for your kind and standing invitation to visit Madison. I hope to be able to avail nyself of it before very long. With best greetings of the season to vou and your gcod wife, Cord'ally yours, ay TMS* eg T. M. Sonfieborn