Ir Sonnetorn mss, Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana { 1 { } This Material , ls covered by copyright and may not be | quoted or reproduced without permission . For Reference Use Only. ' of copyright holder. j November £9, 1950 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Hisconsin Madison 6, %isconsin Dear Joshua; I havo given some thought to the questions raised in your Letter of the 16th about the source book on microbial ‘Genetics and transmit them for your consideration. Fron the point of view of a teacher of genetics of micro- organisms, I have asked myself: "“Vhat kinds of papers would be most useful to students of this field?” Thore could be several bases for selection. First, one could select those papers in which the germ of an important idea, method, or discovery first appeared. Second, one could select, without reference to priority or origins, the papers which best illustrate ideas, methods or areas of discovery. Third, one could select reviews, discussions, or integrative papers. Fourth, one could select those long and complex papers to which the student may ba repestedly referred and which can scarcely ever be dealt with adequately in lecturas. ideally, I should like to sea enough of all four tyzes of papers included so as to cover the field sdequately from these points of view. If any type were excludef, it should doubtless be the third. But then this omission should be supplexented by a bibliography of such papers. The latter aculd be menaged on a pare cr tro and would edd grea'ly to the velue of the book, IT therefore strongly recommend that such a bibliogranhy be included and would be eled to contribute suggestions as to useful titles for it. The next group that offers difficulties, minly because of size of papers, is the fourth. For example, I consider Whitshouse'ts paper of 1942 in the New Phytologist (41:25) ec one of the more important napers on senetics of Meurospora, #8 one thst can be properly dealt with in lectures only at the expense of a dis- proportionate amount of time, and therefore as one that would be among the most useful for a student to heve avallable. Your limitations of sia: doubtless recuira you to onit such papers. That seems to me a great and almost fatal difficulty. You bave confined your list in the main to onpers that fall in ny first two clnsses. Actually, it scems to me you hsve not ‘ Materia. =. . This ight and may not be { For Reference Use Only / 4g covered by copyr ' qui Bloomington, Manuscripts Depart Indians University, i a) ut permission ho r reproduced wit oted vight’ holder « ' of copyr Dr. Joshua Lederbarg--2 November 29, 1950 ‘been quite consistent about this, thouch in your letter I get the impression you wished to emphasize my class 2, Apparently the size of paper haa made you prefer in some eases the first paper to the one that best illustrates the point. . I therefore wish to raise, as others seen to have done, the question of whether it would be better to try to do a proper job | with a more limited field rather than sancrifice standards in order to encompass in an unsatisfactory manner a hroader field. By restricting the volume to bacteria you vould huve an sdditional 150 pages available and this might be enough to do a good job on that restricted field, Personally, I'd rather see ea good job done on bacterial genetics than an unseti stactory attenpt to cover a broader area. Perhaps it eculd bea 1 niicated in the preface that, if this book is successful, sinilar source books for other ereaa . Of the genetics of microorganians will be fortheoning. I also like Luria's suggestion about a loose-leaf hinder, if thet were done, it might also be stated that pericdically supplements to the bacterial volume would be fortheomine. A problem in this connection is the reaction of libraries, It ould, Iam sure, be quite impossible to prevent fllchine of papers from a library copy of a loose-Lea? book; and I suspect that libraries will not wish to purchase a book set up in that Taye. However, the book is not intended for libraries and this need not be an important consideration, If you decide to go ahead with a volune of broader scope-— vaich I strongly urge you will not do--then the following suggestions as to deletions and inclusions might be considered, The bacterial section would, in my Opinion, profit by the inelusion of one of Robinoyts papers on cytolosy pepers of the Stone group, by your paper on the exclusion of alternatives to saxual fusion; and perhaps also one of Bitkin'’s, one of Latarjet's and one of Bunting's, » hy one or more Aas to the Phagesa, I am not prepared to make recommendations for until now I have left them out of ty course, since Luria covered thet material, Novy, ales, I shall heya to do may beast to make cod our loss, & Your selecticn of papers on Paramecium would de improved, I think, by deleting part II of my 1945 paper and replacing this by my 1857 paper in PNAS, 23, whieh (if I may exvre-s en opinion gBbout my owm papers) was probably my most important cont gibution. Further, the conplste omission of the work on ¥,. dursari. seens to me hard to justify and I vould not,even by remcte implica cion, wish to teke any responsibility for it. If you think better of this, i*d like to suecest one or more of the following for consideration: Jennings 1938, PNAS, 24:112-120; Jennings 1941, Proce. Amer. Phil, Soc. 851:25-48; Jennings 1942, Genetics 27:193-211; Chen, 1940, NAS, 263239-240 or 1940 J, Hered, 51:175~184, Among the early papers on Pararecium genetics, seme are models of a type of study II Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana Sonneborn mss. be v1a ithout permission % and may not be igh Oniy. This Mate | For Reference Use 0 oted or reproduced w ight holders ' 4s covered by copyr | of copyr | qu \ t Dr. Joshua Laderherg--3 November 29, 1950 and presentation of rasulta with which modern stutents should be acquainted. mong these I would particularly list fenninzgs 1908, J.8.8. 5:577-622; Jonnings 1908, Proc. Amer. Phil. Sec, 47:595-546; Jennings 1911, J.E.2. llsl-134; Jennings, 1915, J.B.%. 14:279-3913 Jennings 1916, Genetics 1:407:594:{this one is on Difflucia); Jennings and Hareitt 1910, I, vornh. 21:495-5613; Jollos 1921, Aron, £. Protistenkunde 31-222. The preceling 7 papers, with which avery student of the genetics of Protozoa should be directly acquainted total 869 pages, You rightly euess that I have ry tonzue in my cheek at this point. But then the cuestion arises, what good is a source book if it doesn't include the bagie source waterials? Do not think I am trying to stretch the noints overly fax. Those pavers are reelly imcortant and they contain much that is merely being rediscovered or better explained novyea-days. Further, I have omitted much of the more recent work thet should be inclided if the book is really to serve its purpose. For example, it would be grossly unjustifiable to omit Kimball's contributions; to mention only one "mist" there is his paper on inheritance of mating types in Euplotes, Genetics 27:269-285 (1942), not to mention his other ‘papers on Euplotes and Paramecium. This brings up two other points. First, no source baok of reasonable size enn include single papers that run more than 100 pages alone. Yet not all important source papers are brief. A possible «+y out of this is to select a representative portion of such paners, And this principle of seloction might even be applied to briefer papers, I am arare of the obvious objections to such @ procedure ané sls of the great burden ef tire and responsibility this would vlace on the aditor; but 1% would greatly increase the number of workers and parera that could be included and I suspect that it could be done so as to reduce to neplirible proportions the values lost by such deletions. . , My second pcint is thet the schee proposed by your list of papers implies a serious distortion of values. By devoting half of the book to bacterinl cenetics, by reducing the reprasentation of Paraneclum end Neurossora to thrse papers each, by omitting papers on Yeast and Chalmydomonas, you unavoisably give the t:nression that the genetics of bacteria is the muin thing, vith relatively little on other organisens being equally worthy of inclusion, Nothing you can sey in tre Introduction will effectively counteract that impression, Consequently, it seems to me thet, in feirness and honesty, you must either reduce the secticu on bacterin toa more ressoneble proportion of the whole, vith corressoniding ex- pansion of other section: or expand the bacterial saction to the full book, omitting the others completely. In my opinion, tha former would yield a bock of relatively little value, shile the istter would yield 2 boox of great value. To turn to the Hevrospora section, I'm very pleased that you selected the Beadle and Coonradt paper, for that us an outstanding © contribution. I also favor including the Beadle and Tatum paper and the Lindegren peper. For minimm requiraisnts, it would seem to. II - Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana Sonneborn mss. ““Phis Material ~ and may not be {thout permission ight oted or reproduced w nly For Reference Use 0 ight holder e ‘4g covered by copyr \ ' of copyr » qu Dr. Joshua Lederberg~--4 November 29, 1950 me that the following sould also be included: NeClintock 1945, Ame J. Bote. 523671; Srb and Horowitz 1944, J. Biol. Chem, 154:129; Ryan and Lederberg 1946, 'NAS 32:163-175; Wagner and Cuirard 1948, HUAS 34:598; and Horowitz 1945, PNAS 31:155. I have already discussed Ghitehouse's paper, I feel 2lso that it is highly | desirable to include a paner by Dodges, porhaps his 1929 or 1920 paper in Mycologia (21:2228 or 22:9), T:is does not do justice to the work of Tatum, Sonner, Mitchell, or Emerson. Gn the cther hand, limiting representation of the Neurospora work, 28 is done in your proposed list, would seem to me completely indefensible. For work on other Fungi, I would prefer other papers to the one of Keitt and Langford. For example, I'd like to include: Blakeslee's 1904 paper on sex in Mucors and Nerton'™s 1926 paper on the analysis of spore arrangerent in Coprinus, for these were of erest historical importance and served as motels for much of what followed, Among the more recent pnpers, I'd select Hensen and Snyder 1946, PNAS 32:272 on Hypomyees (inmportent among other things in relation to the work of Moewus); Fries 1948, Hereditas 34:528 (on selection of mutants in Ophiostoma by starvation) end, if possible, his 1946 paper in Svensk Rot. Tidsk. 406:127; ana Sontecorve and Gemmell 1944, Nature 154:514 and 532, especially the latter, It would be still better if Pontecorvo's work could he even more fully presented, oe The Yenst problen is a difficult one, in vier of what you say about the copyrights on the papers of “inge and his collaborators, I would, however, include the following papers by others: Lindegren and Lindegren 1948, (Proc. 8th Int. Conger, Cen.} (interpretetion of _ linkage and crossing over); Linitegren, Splerelmen and Lindogren 1944, PNSS 30:346; Lindegren and Lindecren 1946, CSH 11:115; ana Splegelman 1946, CSE 11:256,-—-all on the plasmerene stuff. Here more than in most cases, the idea of selecting parts of pavers for inelusicn would pay off. Gould you cet permission to publish part of ¥inge and Leustsen 1939 (to papers), 1940, and Winge and Roberts 19487 By judicious selection of parts of tho nine papers mentioned, one could treaent the meat of the Yeast situation without taking too mich space. Of the Ephrussi papera, two should suffice: the second and fifth in the Annales de Liinst. Past. (Ephrussi, Hottinguer and Tavlitskl, vol. 76; and Slonimsii and Zphrussi, vol. 77}. If it coves ont in time, the net paper on the gene mutant would maxo « fine third port to the trinity. Again, it wuld be advantageous to select only carts of these peners, Finally, as to Chlamydomonas and Protosiphon, I'4 recommen? the following: Arch, Prot. 1955, 86:1-57; Biol. Aentralol 1925, 053293-509; ibid, 58:516-526 (1938); “eltschr f. Naturforsch 3b: 273-290; Partugalias acta Biol. “er. A, 1949, 161-199, The threes paners of 1940 (Biol. Zbl. 60:143-166, 597-626, and %. i. Abst. ve. Vor, 78:418-522, especially the latter) sre of particuler interest since they anticipate. the whole subsequent develoment of bicche-ical genstics end menifest a ramarkable grasp of ite potentialities and significance in the broadest way. Sonneborn mss. II Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana aa +, be produced without permission ! of copyright holders may no This Material For Reference Use Only. uoted or re | qi ' 4g covered by copyright and j Dr. Joshua Lodernarc--5 Nevesber £9, 1950 Now where doos all this leave us? Obviously, I hseve not helped you solve your problens or ansrer the questions you raised, put I would not consider a source book which included only two or three payers on any organiem to be sufficiently serviceable to roquire students to purchase it, I could only recemcend it as saving a few trips to the library. Also, if the German pavers yere transinted, this might be an inducerent. I can only urge that you consider the various altornatives: (1) Confine the book to bacteria. (28) Expand it srently so ag to represent othar organisms sadecuately. (2) Reduce the svsce aevoted to bacterin to bring thet section to semething like its proper proportion of the whole. (4) Decide upon selecting the more useful and important parts of the papers, instead of including each paper in full. Your problems as editor are terrific and I wish I could see an easier wey out than confining the book to hacteria, tut I don't, If you decide to include my papers, let me know and I'll lend you my orm last copies, Witn best wishes, Cordially, TRB ige. T. M,.Sonneborn