y Indiana Sonneborn mss. IT : 3 Lilly Library sity, Bloomington, Manuscripts Department | Indiana Univer 4 4 TALS Material is covered by copyright and may not be quoted or reproduced without permission For kKererencé Use Unlye of copyright holder. May 5, 1950 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Genetics University of Wisconsin - Madison 6, Wisconsin © Daar Joshua: I am in need of a full-time research assistant and wonder wiether you know of anyone whom you could recommend strongly for such a job. I will give you soma idea of what the job involves. The assistant would participate in our researches on genetics of Paramecium. At present our chief empnasis is on an analysis of anti- genic traits and this is likely to be our main projees for some years, but the focus of attention may shift at any time. Ths central problems are the interrelations of genes, cytoplasm and environment in the control of hereditary traits and the mechanism of shifts from one to another al~ ternative hereditary trait (especially in the absence of gene changes). The assistant would be given an intensive training during the first month or two and would then be expected to acquire sufficient grasp of the methods ani materials to be able to carry cub experiments with a minimum of supervision. That is to say, I wil] indicate the problems that need to be solved and suggest experiments, perhaps indicating the special materials and methods to be used. The assistant would then make the de- tailed plans, carry out the experiments, and turn over to me for analysis the full records of procedures and observations, The worker will share authorship in publications of the research, = Much of the assistant's work will be dons alone, though some- times--especially in the larger experiments--the work would be shared by another assistant or myself. Initiative, resourcefulness, independence, recognition of clues and leads are all strongly encouraged and desired. For this work, personal qualities are more important than specific . training. While some training in biology (zoology, botany, bacteriology or protoscology), immunology or chemistry is all to the good, it is not essential, I place more stress on finding a person with a genuine interest in research, high intelligence, initiative, resourcefulness, drive, will- ingness to take and ability to profit by suggestions, thoroughness, care= fulness, keen powers of observation, dependability, and the grace to work pleasantly with others. The job is on a 12-month pasis, with two weeks vacations we do not work on an academic schedule. fhe "official" work hours are 6:30 AH. until 5:00 . PAM., with an hour and a half for lunch and half time on Saturdays, The work ' paquires a few hours on Sunday, and four of us take turns for the Sunday work. is required on the preceding Saturday, As -- When one's Sunday comes ups No work wa experimental work on microorganisms sometimes requires work at off-nours, the -) assistant must also be prepared for this; but we try to arrange compensatory time off. ow tima for course work, though oc= work does not all rade to permit taking one lecture course during il Sa As you see, this ~~ gasionally arrangements can be a semester. : The starting dlary Good work is of course rewa yank of Research Associate. " Because of the time consumed in training and in becoming familiar with - the work (and therefore valuable), I am umvilling to engese a person unless there - A longer commitment - 43 an agreement to stay with the job for at least two years. is preferred. The training period is considered probationary with the privilege of discontinuing at the end of that period if either the worker or I so desiree 43 $1800 to $2400 depending upon qualifications. rded by salary increases, with eventual promotion to Sonneborn mss. fanuscripts Department, Lilly Library : I . . 2 ndiana University, Bloomington, Indiana whom you can enthusiastically recommend in view of the requirements of the job, I should greatly appreciate having vour frank ydidate stating her appraisal of the candidate along with a letter from the ca interest in the position, her training and qualifications, and her willingness to umfertake the Sob under the conditions I have outlined. 1950, and must be filled no later If you know of someone The position is available for duly 1, than Septemver 1, 1959. LOLS Material ' is covered by copyright and may not be With much thanks for your cooperation and pest wishes, Cordially yours, TM. Sonneborn TS :igp quoted or reproduced without permission of copyright holder. . For Reference Use Only.